Najmah, S.KM, MPH

A great man always be like thunder, he storms the skies, while others are waiting to be stormed (Anonymous)

Jumat, 15 Juni 2012


Berikut adalah contoh menampilkan data dalam laporan penelitan setelah diolah dengan program statistik

Tabel 6.       Characteristics of participants in fracture and non fracture group (13)

Fracture group

Non fracture group

Steroid/Corticosteroid Hormone Use , n, (%) Yes
3 (4%)
49 (10%)
Smoking Status, n, (%)  Yes
18 (40%)
142 (31%)
Menopause Status , n, (%)  Yes
45 (100%)
454 (100%)
Calcium/Multivitamin D Use , n, (%) Yes
4 (9 %)
92 (20%)
Hormone Replacement Therapy, n, (%)  Yes
4 (9%)
82 (18 %)
Physical Activity n, (%)

179 (40%)
15 (34 %)
180 (40%)
21 (8 %)
      95 (82 %)
Family History , n, (%) Yes
1 (2%)
29 (6%)
Drinking status, n, (%) Yes
35 (13 %)
10 (4 %)

 Mean (SD)
Height ,cm
156.88 (6.28)
156   (6.17)
Current Age, year
79.1 (7.54)
75.65 (6.91)
Weight, kg
61.39 (11.17)
65.37 (12.64)
Gambar 24.                      
Gambar 25.                     Gambaran Jamban Sehat di Kota Palembang tahun 2004.(11)
Referensi :
Najmah, Farouk H, Hasyim H. Factors that related to mother behaviour in using healthy latrine  at Musi  River Zone (Puskesmas/ Public Health Center Nagaswidak). Jurnal Kedokteran dan Kesehatan FK Unsri. 2007;39(1).
Najmah. Hip structure associated with ageing and Hip fracture in women: Data from the geelong osteoporosis study- Data analysis Melbourne: The University of Melbourne; 2009.

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